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Live Online Course; Wheelchair Accessible Housing

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The Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) has a one day virtual course that would be of interest to anyone wanting to find out more about the design standards of wheelchair accessible housing.

The Aim Of The Course:
To gain an in-depth understanding of the standards in Approved Document M (AD M), Volume 1 Category 3 – Wheelchair user dwellings.

Course Date – Thursday 8th June 2023

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About The Course:
This virtual course is aimed at access professionals, architects, occupational therapists, designers, building control officers, planners, developers and housing providers who need to fully understand the technical details contained within Category 3, and the key differences between the design of 'wheelchair adaptable' and 'wheelchair accessible' dwellings. The programme has an interactive workshop format, with practical exercises to ensure understanding in particular of the more complex requirements for Category 3 kitchens and bathrooms.

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

  • Understand how the new standards will be applied and the roles of planning and building control authorities.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the technical requirements of AD M Category 3 and the difference between 'wheelchair adaptable' and 'wheelchair accessible' dwellings.

When completing the booking form for this course, you can select the date you wish to attend. The training is from 10.30am to 3.30pm, and is delivered on Zoom.

The course fee is £375

Need more information? Please contact us if you have any additional questions or require more information about this course.

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